Monday, September 29, 2008


I am afraid of the vibes
Of the unspoken words that scare
Of the light touch that rattles my nerve
With certainty, I know its there

I fear the yen that so persists
That I know is to be curbed
And yet it is unstoppable
Like an excruciating thirst

The crowd around, it does hurt
It kills the spark; dulls the flame
But once left to ourselves
It rises again, no one’s to blame

Be it on a journey
On a road with all its bends
Just sitting by the other’s side
Hoping this never ends

Be it on a lakeside
With no words, just silence
For being with each other
Is the one essence

Or be it at a movie
With all the lights gone dim
Rain clattering on the window
It’s just another whim...

It’s the little things that matter
For we want each other perfect
But we teach and learn, no matter how hard
For we know what we’re to get

I cannot say what it all is
Is it a sense of bonding?
Or love in its purest form
Or for each other, a longing?

The craving, it cannot be stifled
But my mind has all the keys
It tells me “You will never act
So fantasize as you please”

So once again I close my eyes
Tis a world devoid of pain
For now it’s only she and I
Oh my, I am in heaven again…

Friday, September 12, 2008

On your mark...Get set...Go !!

Formed and fashioned from above
A cherished gift was I
Mom and dad were full of love
For the apple of their eye

Be it ma with her nightly kiss
Or daddy making my meal
Time may destroy all but this
To now that warmth I feel

Then to me it was the time
To do what I felt right
Breaking rules was no crime
By day or by the night

One fine day, in love I fell
Let it decide my mood
Snapping out of it as well
When to me it did no good

At long last I found my star
That shone bright in the crowd
It was one that had no scar
With it, FOREVER screamed aloud

What magis was, it hit 'pon us
As we led her into this world
Love spread about in manners thus
As she grew, our joys untold..

Now as I age, I think and muse
Of that I've gained and not
Life sometimes it has been a ruse
A straight road or a knot

Finally, all's said and done
I am an ebbing tide
And the time for me has come
To walk to the other side!